18 May 2010

Some Pictures

38 days until we get married...which really isn't that many. At all. So, to distract myself from the ever increasing list of things to do within the next 38 days, here are some pictures.

This was from our first date. Jordan said I got myself into a lot of trouble on that date.

Funny story: When Jordan called me, a couple days after he got my number...I couldn't remember his name. In my journal, I have an entry that reads:

"Jason or Jared or J-something got my number last night, but I'm not interested. I just figure I shouldn't say no to a first date."

Then after our first date my journal reads:

"So Jordan is trying pretty hard. He is really nice, and treating me really well...I decided to give him a three date chance."

This is one of the pictures from our engagement photo shoot. Look how cute Jordan is. Also look how proud he is of himself.


  1. This is awesome. Gotta love retrospective journal reads! You guys are adorable-- your pictures are some of my favorite engagement photos I've seen in a long time, and goodness knows we see a lot of those in Provo. All kinds of congrats and well-wishes for the fast-approaching day! :)

  2. Haha the journal excerpts are classics! As for the "three date chances", if I only had a nickel....
